Too Many Bones – Companion Web App

Like probably you do, I am in love with the Too Many Bones board game. I bought all the expansions, Gearlocs, and promos from Chip Theory Games (yes, including The Gearloc Child and Riffle!), and I enjoy every single time I play solo or with friends.

Since I have been playing this for a long time, I realized that I needed some help during my plays to take even more advantage of this fantastic board game.

The first issue is that the expansions of Too Many Bones are not in Spanish (yet, hopefully SD Games will bring them soon!), so sometimes it is difficult for me to have an immersive experience when reading the cards since they are not in my mother tongue.

The second issue is that due to my age (I am getting old!), it is difficult for me to read the cards, and I struggle for several minutes to read them properly or need to ask my wife to read them for me.

The third issue is that, especially during my first plays, I had a lot of questions and doubts during the game that are not always super clear in the instructions (even more so considering that English is not my mother tongue).

And the last issue is that I have a bad memory and sometimes mix up the abilities of the baddies when playing the adventure, so I need to have the rules close to me and spend time finding in alphabetical order the ability that the baddies of the current battle have to apply them correctly in the game.

There are also less important things that can be added here, such as: I would like to have background music that creates an immersive environment during my plays, or that I don’t want to read the rules when I want to mix Too Many Bones Undertow + 40 Waves in Daelore + Concrete Tyranny, etc., so if somebody would take all the encounters, special encounters, tyranny encounters and create the deck for me, it would save a lot of time in terms of setup and gameplay.

So, all these are the reasons why I have created the unofficial Too Many Bones Companion Web App, and I love it!

All the things mentioned above (and more!) are solved with this web app that can be found on Here are some of the features you can find:

  • Setup the deck based on your chosen expansions and add-ons.
  • Background music related to Too Many Bones.
  • AI assistant to ask questions.
  • Cards translated by the community to Spanish.
  • Read cards with AI voice.
  • Search for abilities to add to the battle.
  • FAQ for Gearlocs and Tyrannys.
  • Counters for days, progress, BQ, and trainings.


Too Many Bones
